


Welcome to therapyhack.com- a (totally free!) resource, written by a psychotherapist, for people considering therapy, for those in therapy already, for therapists themselves, and for anybody with an interest in evidence-based self-help.

The world of behavioral health is complicated, convoluted, and can be difficult to navigate for clients and therapists alike. The intention of this site is to clear things up! and to connect with more people than possible in a solo-practice, by providing useful information and dialogue that can assist any person with their journey towards growth and fulfillment.

The site is organized into three categories: client intended, therapist intended, and growth inspired (for all), but feel free to skip around. The goal is to provide information that is educational and interesting to any reader in every post. Who knows, you just might be surprised where you end up! 

Thanks for reading and take care,

Alisa Reed, LCSW-R

If you are experiencing any type of crisis, please call your local crisis response line or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at: 1-800-273-8255.

No content on this website is intended to substitute for actual psychotherapy or provide actual therapy of any kind.

If you or someone you know is at imminent risk for safety in any way, please call 911 immediately.